Matthew 19:14 Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
Our mission at SUMC is "We welcome all. We build loving relationships that serve God." This mission is lived out in all of our program areas. One of our areas of growth is young disciple ministries: our work with children, youth and their families.
We are in a time of new life, new vision, and new ministry at SUMC, so know that children's ministry and youth ministry are priorities for us as we begin to shape what that means for your family. We work to provide spaces safe for all children to learn and grow in our Sunday School classes that run during worship. Our nursery is right off the sanctuary for easy access and is staffed with an attendant. Our service is accommodating and inviting for children, teenagers, and young adults.
We are working to continually bring the best we have to offer to our children's ministry opportunities, so come visit and see what place there is for your family. It will be great!